Save backups on different storages
setup a second urbackup server and tell the client to backup to the 2 servers using different policies.
setup to backup one client to two server
With 2.1.x you can store images in a different ZFS dataset (see testing category) when using cow-raw images.
Check urbackup internal database
sqlite3 backup_server_settings.db "PRAGMA integrity_check"
Update the restore iso
As work-around you can use any 32-bit Linux live system (preferably Debian based, e.g. Ubuntu) and download and run (or build this yourself using the source checkout and ./
Cleanup urbackup data folder
on the status page at the left of the client click remove
How to manually delete backups
delete the folder /subvolume then cleanup urbackup data folder
How to recover the server login password
There is a reset_pw.bat in UrBackupServer installation folder which will allow you to reset it.
How to change the snapshot mechanism on Linux client
edit the file /usr/local/etc/urbackup/snapshot.cfg.
Disable dattobd ?
Delete the file or set to empty the values in /usr/local/etc/urbackup/snapshot.cfg.
verify a client backup integrity
How to backup windows XP or 2003 32b
How to give a name to the backed up folder
this backup directory / with name root with options symlinks_optional share_hashes
How to give specify option per backed up folder
if you do not want to follow symlinks outside of the backup dir you set e.g. default directories to backup to /|root/symlinks_optional,share_hashes
how to monitor the urbackup backup results from commandline
import urbackup_api
import os
if name == 'main':
How to reset the admin password
on the urbackup server :
start_urbackup_server --reset_pw (newpassword)
How to restore a huge number of small files
Do not use the web UI to download the zip file.
Instead use the restore from the urbackup client
How do i use wildcards for backups
it s in the faq
Use a colon
How to move the urbackup data store
UrBackup 2.1.x has a new live migration feature See the 2.1.x admin manual section 10.8.
stop urbackup server
create a file named migrate_storage_to at the root of the data store
inside put the path of the new storage path
start urbackup server, watch the progress on the status page
when it s done, fix the mountpoint/symlink/data store path
How to automate urbackup client install on windows via chocolatey
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"